The Procedure


Based on what was previously discussed with your surgeon during the pre-op, guidelines will be drawn on desired areas for corrections. Your surgeon will inserts a thin tube called a cannula, which is connected to a vacuum. This is used for the extrication of excess fat from certain areas of your body like the thighs, hips and buttocks, abdomen and waist, upper arms, back, inner knee, chest area, cheeks, chin and neck, calves and ankles. Liposuction can be performed alone or along with other plastic surgery procedures.

Frequently Asked Questions

“Am I a good candidate for Liposuction?”

A good Liposuction (also known as “Body Contouring” or “Lipo”) candidate is someone who wants to slim, contour, and reshape desired areas of the body by removing excess fat deposits from the targeted area. Many times you won’t see results as quickly as you want by dieting and exercising - it can take from months to years to achieve what can be done with Liposuction within minutes. This person has good general health and wellness to properly plan their procedures - this person should not have any medical condition which could affect their safety during the time of procedure or recovery. Must not smoke or can quit several weeks before their surgery date.

“What are important things to know for the recovery period?”

Symptoms like pain, swelling, bruising, and redness are normal to experience during the recovery stages - the pain medication provided will help ease these symptoms. Avoiding exercise for the first few weeks is important - rest! High impact, strenuous activities must be avoided. Any harsh movement can be damaging during the recovery stages. Here at Provocative Plastic Surgery special compression clothing and accessories will be offered to help your healing process.

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